Hello, I’m Jeremy Beaudry. Welcome to my place. Words, photos, drawings et cetera.*
* It's a work in progress.
Rail Yard, Burlington, Vermont
Tucked between Lake Champlain and Burlington’s South End, I trespass the Vermont Railway yard to stand small in the presence of hulking metal machines at rest. Sunlight sets behind the Adirondacks to the west, throwing my shadow into the dark recesses of the train works. The Green Mountain engine waits. The shadows slide up the rusted patina. Oily steel winks briefly, and I move on.
Altarpiece, Green River Reservoir, Vermont
Lumbering over the choppy water in a dented aluminum canoe, we paddle hard for a small cove on the far side of the lake. Soon enough the wind subsides in the treelined pocket and we drift quietly over glassy black water. The altarpiece, worn by weather, waits majestically. We have nothing to offer other than attention and whispers.